In 1658, Etienne de Flacourt, the governor of Fort-Dauphin, mentions sapphires in southern Madagascar, |
and he was drowned on his last voyage to Madagascar on the 10th of June 1660. |
In 1808, Barthélemy Hugon writes that in the valley of Ambolo there is a so beautiful stone and so rare that his lapidaries have not |
been able to recognize it, and it was above of all that is not diamond. .... In 1991, at the time of the great dryness in the south, |
sapphire samples are found on the ground, several centuries after their first discovery. It became the first exploited Madagascar |
sapphire. |
¦ Sapphire ¦ Pink Sapphire ¦ ¦ Sunset Sapphire ¦ Violet Sapphire ¦ |