The Hunza valley begins in Chalt where the Hunza River turns sharply south. It is rather narrow and featureless here until the village of Hindi, where the valley begins to open up. Approaching Aliabad at 2300 meters, you pass the police station, the hospital and the primary school, just off the highway on a slope.


Buried in a gigantic mountain range, Hunza has been one of the most cut-off region in this part of the world. It only became known to the rest of the world in 1880s, and ever since has been descriebed as a lost paradise, the Shangri-La of the Karakorams.


This is a region of rubies and garnets. Early in December of 1891, following the successful assault on the fort at Nilt, Colonel Algernon Durand, the commanding officer, was wounded. When the bullet was finally extracted, it turned out be a garnet enclosed in lead. Mt Rakaposhi

7788 m



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